Ethos Life
I Live For

We’re a life insurance company that celebrates life. Whether you’re an amateur foodie, a die-hard adrenaline junkie, a family man/woman, or something in-between, we’d love to know what you “live for.” Tell us what you love about life and share your story by:
- Grabbing a piece of paper and writing #ILiveFor on it and writing what it is that you live for right below it
- Snapping a photo of yourself with your new, amazing sign
- Posting that photo to Facebook or Instagram with the #ILiveFor and tagging us
Here are a few members of the Ethos family sharing what they care about:

“Helping others give me a sense of being and purpose” Tyler, Customer Experience

“I live for Minou, my loving mother who taught me the virtues of family and empathy. These are the values that I want to bring to life insurance with Ethos.” Peter, Co-Founder and CEO

“I’ve lost family and friends that are very close to me and have learned to live every moment like it’s my last and to give it all I’ve got.” Kristina, Customer Success